Posts Tagged ‘transom’

We Love Magnolias – Our Largest Project

This post will be all about our largest project from beginning to installation and I hope you will enjoy.  The first thing was to measure the area which is the transom over our front door, well that was the easy part. Working this project would be difficult since all I had was a photo of the area and my template to go by since I was not staying there at the time. The next couple of photos will show you the area and the template.

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The trick would be to make this an exact fit to the measurements.  I have to say I was a little worried, since there was no way of verifying as you go since I was 2600 miles away , so I could only hope it would fit when we were finished. I had to piece this together to fit my template , since this pattern was for a 9  x  12 square piece there was a lot of cutting and arranging before I could even start cutting the glass. After all the arranging and cutting the pattern pieces it time to start cutting the glass which was very difficult, I broke so many pieces after all it was only my 3rd project and I was cutting them by hand and grinding, I thought I would never get through this so my husband and I decided to by a saw from Gryphon. That was the greatest idea we every had, as soon as the new saw came of course I had to learn how to use it, to make the perfect cuts. Didn’t take very long to learn how to do that correctly and this sure made my project run faster and smoother. I would recommend a saw to everyone who wants to work with glass. The next few photos will be the in process shots we took. Read more »